Friday, March 11, 2011

Kbands will make Football Players More Explosive


Football is a sport where god given talent will only take you so far.  Football players must work hard to become the quickest most powerful athletes they can be to get to the next level.  Without proper training an athlete can be left on the sidelines while their competition excels in the sport.

Kbands offer football players the ability to utilize speed camp training year round. Faster, more explosive athletes are not created over night.  They are molded day after day, month after month of hard training. The power needed to get to the next level in football is through strong legs and a core that can utilize this power.  Without a strong core an athlete may be able to pick up the gym, sort of speak, but any sudden movements will leave the athlete on his back.  For example, large linemen that weigh 305 pounds may be able to bench press 485 pounds but can’t seem to move their opponent from the nine of scrimmage. Many things such as technique or leg strength may account for this problem, but more than likely a week core is to blame. All the strength in the world can be wasted if an athlete does not have the means to transfer power from their legs into a sport specific movement.
What I suggest

Like I said before football is a sport of strength, power, and agility. Lift to match those requirements. (2-5 explosive quick reps of three sets. Make sure multi joint movements are the focus of each lifting session.) During this power/strength building phase football players should then begin an agility/core stability training program.  Kbands Speed and Core Training DVD is ideal for these needs.  The bands will increase an athlete’s hip stability, work the glutes, and add resistance to every sprint and agility move.  Resistance to the legs will increase leg power and give athletes’ a feather like feeling when they compete. This DVD is also package with a core strengthening routine that is second to none.
If you are serious about your football future you must work for power, speed, agility, and strengthen your core to put everything you built into action.
“Work hard today to achieve your goals tomorrow”

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